Content And Community For Black Moms


CEO and brand strategist Jenifer Daniels led a recent Twitter chat with us on what it takes for would-be entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd.

Photo credit: CreateHER Stock

In the last few years, the word brand has expanded beyond companies and celebrities. Personal branding—that is, people marketing themselves and their expertise as a brand—has become just as important as a strong resumé and digital presence. 

Personal branding can increase one’s visibility and improve work prospects, two things that Black women in particular can benefit from as gender and racial bias in hiring is still alive and well.

“If a woman … doesn’t have an identity that stands out, she is literally overlooked” says expert Kali Raoul in an interview on the importance of personal branding. “A senior colleague’s impression of you may be based on a very slim, very few seconds’ interaction. That could be an interaction in person or online; looking at you or looking at what Google says about you. [A poor visual or virtual identity]  is surprisingly career limiting at a certain point.”

Since personal branding is so important, we wanted to make it our first Twitter chat topic. And who better to talk about branding than Jenifer Daniels, the brand strategist and CEO behind Colorstock, a diverse stock image company. Take a look at selected tweets from our conversation!

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